Activism Ideas

Freeway Blogging:  <<Click link for a “how to”.

    Scrapitalism: When 90% of the people share 13% of the wealth.  400ashby4_340


Hold Signs/Banners:

consumer-activism  CIA-owns-the-media  800px-Day_12_Occupy_Wall_Street_September_28_2011_Shankbone_22



Organize a Street Action:

A successful street action can be one person with a sign, flyers, and a powerful message, or it can be anywhere from 5 to 500 people.

Pick a busy intersection or any high traffic area with people on foot.   Just get out there!

occupy_wall_street_new_york_2  untitled  Occupy-Wall-Street-007

article-2044267-0E2F81DF00000578-914_964x574  360_intl_occupylondon_1015  20111002_PROTEST_337-slide-BX8X-jumbo


The Infamous Bullhorn:

12  Protest_ACTA_2012-02-11_-_Toulouse_-_18_-_Protester_with_megaphone  cap_haitien_protest_3


Sticker Spamming:

stop_stickers_context 4 5b4e0f289e9224e5c911793b34d04666 stickers-on-stop-sign


Blast Social Media with memes and website links:

Use any of the dozens we have available at The Armory or make your own.  Tag hundreds of your friends, use a comment hack on celebrity, media, alternative media pages.

Make you voice heard by any means necessary.